Local Pages

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Esp8266 - An Unplanned Stress Test

Saturday (9/5) about 5:00pm, I had an interesting and unexpected surprise, HACKADAY publish a note about my ERB-EspWebServer.

As a result, my Blog and the my ERB-EspWebServer Farm were hammered with Internet requests.

With only one Esp8266 Farm Server working (nod169) at the time (others were offline) the request rate was intense. For the next 16 hours the single Esp8266 served about 1650 page requests for 1050 unique visitors. When "choked" with Internet Requests, the Esp successfully rebooted itself (several times), and I only occasionally had to help with a power-on reboot.

The above shows the first 16 hours of the onslaught.

The next day about 10:00am the Internet Requests were still coming in, I had to leave for the day, and therefore had to leave the Esp to its own fate. It eventually crashed, and therefore it was mostly down for the next 24 hours.

Once I returned, the Internet Requests started up again, with a little less intensity. And now, 4 days later, the Esp is receiving about 10 hits per hour, see current/live stats here. So far, the Esp has handled about 3500 requests.

Today I added new code to serve a local "Server Farm Photo" which is about 30KB, it can be seen on the current Esp Server Info Page.

This has been a fun and exciting Experiment of Esp Web Server Load Survivability, the Esp8266 did well for itself !!

-- Home Page: https://WA0UWH.blogspot.com

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My Experimental Exp8266 Web Sever - is on GitHub

Here are some interesting links for the Esp8266:

I have put my “ERB Esp8266 Experimental Web Server” on GitHub, at:

My Esp8266 server is “often/sometimes” online at:

The SSID and Passwd are blank and need to be set in the Main.ino file

A shared Visitor Map IdKey is also set in Main.ino, if used as is, any access to your server will generate a “Shared Visitor Map”. In Ham Radio terms, this is called a “Reverse Beacon” to a shared service. Of course, you can request your own private IdKey.

I hope you find it useful as a working example. I have tried to include many pages and functions that I plan to use in my other Esp Projects

NOTE: All web page data is purposefully dynamically created by the Esp8266, except the “Server Farm” image on the InfoPage, and the “Visitor Map” function on the HomePage.

More functions and/or pages will be added as time permits, and I will update the GitHub as necessary.

As maybe expected, the Esp is sometimes fickle, reboot may be needed occasionally.

Feedback is always welcome.

-- Home Page: https://WA0UWH.blogspot.com