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Friday, November 27, 2009

WSPR 2.0 Working at Remote Location


I now have WSPR 2.0 working on my remote Data Centre Direct Conversion Receiver.

The DC receiver is used as both a QRSS ARGO Grabber and now a WSPR spot database reporter, both at the same time.

The audio is decode by the two programs, both running on Ubuntu 8.10, WSPR runs native on the console window, while ARGO runs under "wine" in a virtual (xvnc4server) window.  The virtual window is necessary as ARGO uses screen scrapes (or captures) to obtain images, that are used for the Web Server Grabber presentation. A non-virtual window application would often be covered by pop-up's or other normal window elements that obliterates the resulting Grabber image.

WSPR 2.0 supports CALLs with a suffix, for my remote receiver I use WA0UWH/R as it's ID, as shown near Seattle on the WSPR map.

My goal is to also report PropNet spots via the same systems.

While I was setting up WSPR (as described above), I did an experiment. I inserted a amall transformer into the computer sound card input line - the "hum bars" seen on the ARGO and WSPR console windows went away! I think a ground loop exists between the computer and the antenna. The coax is grounded at the base of the antenna.

Now I need to redesign the receiver output circuit to include proper ground loop isolation (a fix to be done another day).


1 comment:

  1. Why not report PSK31 spots to PSKReporter.info using Fldigi (which runs under Linux) rather than PropNet which requires some proprietary Windows software and which hardly anyone uses?
