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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Camera Received

I received the Camera for the Microscope the other day, it is supported via a Windows program and drivers - just as the description suggested.  I was hoping that my Shop Ubuntu System would see it as just another camera device. But NO luck.

The only one MS Windows system in my Shop is not readily accessible and therefore I have not had time to move things around to make use of the camera.

My immediate goal is to document my results and use of my Toner-Transfer Method to make very small PCB's.  The current project is another 10m Crystal Marker on a 1/2 inch square board with 0603 parts. Viewing this board via the Microscope shows that my previously thought pristine DIY fabrication efforts has always had many holes/pits in the pads and miss-shaped traces. I am finding out that you don't want to look very close. That is, if you have very critical eye. It is a good thing that electrons do not care where they flow (at least at this frequency)!

I want to see how "wiped solder plating" changes the results.

When I etched this latest board, it seemed to take a inordinate long time to etch. Now looking at it via the Microscope it is obvious, I used a scrap piece of 2oz copper PCB material. I normally use 1/2oz copper for my circuits. When viewed at a angle, the 2oz traces and pads makes for a interesting photo.

One part of the Amateur Radio Hobby is building HomeBrew projects,  for my part of that,  I enjoy shrinking normal circuits with very small parts, and building on extremely small PCB's. I strive to continually make things smaller.

Soon, I should have photos to share.


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