Local Pages

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Radio Trip to Mt Pilchuck

A copy of an e-mail that I sent to my local HAM Friends:
Hello All,
On Saturday July 17th, I am going back up onto the side of Mt Pilchuck to try some radio operations.
The view from the Pilchuck's overlook is fantastic, if you have never flown in a small airplane - this is as close as it gets!
The drive to the upper parking lot (at 3200ft) is a little dusty/dirty but easy, this overlook provides views to the Northwest-and-West, but with Bugs.
See Map: http://no.nonsense.ee/qthmap/?qth=CN98CB47AQ
To get to the slightly lower (at 2600ft) overlook that I plan to use, the road is a little rougher and a low vehicle is not appropriate. But the full view is from this location is North-to-West-to-South, and with NO Bugs (without wind or at least yesterday when I was there).
See Map: http://no.nonsense.ee/qthmap/?qth=CN98BB96KO
I plan to leave from Granite Falls McDonalds (west of town center about 4 blocks) at 10:00AM - if I remember it is about a 20 mile drive from there.
Bring Radios, Antenna Materials, Camera, Binoculars, Lunch, Windbreaker, Sunblock, Bug Spray (hopefully not needed) and come join the fun. It is not a Real Field Day, but it is in the Sun, with Radios, and a Breath-taking View - what more could you want?
Note: it would be fun to try some Laser Communication with someone down below!?
Please let me know if you can join.
Regards, Eldon Brown
72 - Eldon - WA0UWH - CN97xc - http://WA0UWH.blogspot.com/ ( 72 is a qrp 73's )


Note: the top of Mt Pilchuck is about 5200 ft as shown here. Check out the new "Terrain" key mode on the map (upper right) - it was recently added at my request.


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