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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Antenna Adjustments

Early this morning, without a rain drop in site, I decided to check the new Antenna that Jeff and I installed yesterday (see previous post). When installed, the feed point did not line up with the apex of the roof and therefore the Ladder Line could be wind blown and touch the metal roof. I can fix that by adjusting the support lines.

I knew I was temping fate and the performance of the antenna, by adjusting it in clear weather. The Great Antenna Gods would not like that.

Starting at the far end, I released about 20 feet of support line and retied it off. By the time I had the extra line coiled an secured, it started to sprinkle, and by the time I got to the other end to take up the slack, it was raining! The Great Antenna Gods have once again provided the inclement weather to ensure the performance of this new Antenna, Thanks :-)

Back in the Shack (loft) I noticed that I must have raised the feed point a little higher than before, the proper drip loop was gone. Another adjustment is necessary, but that will wait.

Also, when the weather clears, I will attempt to measure the height of the Antenna, a little trig should do the trick.

The Propeller 30m Beacon has been running on this new Antenna, but no reports so far.


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