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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Beacon Stacking via 10 Minute Sync

I received the following via Google+ and emails, it is archived here for myself and my blog readers.

From Peter Mulhare

Just got in from Dinner........here is your first Stack pretty amazing, absolutely perfect copy from a stack of 6 images - 1 hours worth. I think you will be suitably impressed. Note that ZL1EE, W4HBK have also shown up stacked, also in there are G0MBA (@ '090), KC7VHS (@ '070), G0PKT (@ '980), and another station @ '925. These stations are not stacked because they are not running 10 minute frames.

Excellent result Eldon!


Six Stacked Frames
Single Frame
From Eldon Brown

Would you mind if I share your message and Initial Stacked Results on my blog? I have many readers that do not have Google+ and I want to Archive the results within the blog.

When we establish all is working as expected, I want to disconnect the Power Amp (62mW) and run directly from the Propeller with only 3mW. Your stacked images maybe be the only way to see the results.

Thanks Eldon - WA0UWH

From Peter Mulhare
Hi Eldon

I don’t mind if you share the results, that’s fine by me. The best I’ve done at those kind of powers was to Western Australia, 5500 km to VK6JY, running 7mW from the output of my FEI 5680A Rubidium Frequency Standard, keyed FSK with an ATmega16 keyer I designed. I think we would need pretty good conditions to do it, but let’s give a shot!

The windows of opportunity at the moment are pretty short, limited to grey line propagation around one or other of our sunrises or sunsets, with the other one in darkness. I will have a play with DXAtlas, and see if I can come up with some dates to try.

Note that Bill W4HBK was in nearly all night on the Grabber, now that’s due to the way the grey line effects work between me and Florida. The problem with Washington is that you’re so far North and much closer to my Longitude, making us a north/south path, where to Florida the path is so much more east/west.

I’m impressed with the accuracy of your timing! the stacked signal has no thickening due to timing jitter, which is excellent, the computer clock here, is sync’d to the UTC second with several NZ University Caesium Beam controlled NTP servers, over the net. Software is Meinberg V4 Timeserver.



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