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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Receiver Modules

Here are the first few modules of my implementation of the Fanhan Minima Transceiver. The RF Mixer on the left, the 20MHz Crystal Filter is center, and IF Amplifier is on the right. More modules will needed, and therefore constructed, before meaningful on-air experiments can be conducted.

The First Three Receiver Modules
The next module to be constructed would be a BFO Mixer, which should be simple as it uses a similar layout as the RF Mixer. Then an AF Amplifier will be needed, which will be constructed in similar fashion. Also, a Low Pass filter will be constructed and connected before the RF Mixer.

This configuration only implements a Receiver, but with a few relays, bidirectional amplifiers, full Transceiver functionality should be possible (similar to Farhan's Minima Transceiver).

When completed I plan to use my Parallax Propeller microprocessor for control, and generate the RF for both VFO and BFO sources. This is where my implementation radically departs from Farhan's Minima Transceiver, but then remember,  . . .  this is just an experiment !

Note: In the photo above, one of the two RF Mixer coils has be replaced with a much smaller core as originally planned (see previous post). The other (larger) core will be replaced when time is available.

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