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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Minima Caps on Order

I have been a little lazy lately, I have not been working on the Audio Module for my experimental Minima Transceiver (see previous posts). This is due to the lack of small large-value (47uF at 16v) capacitor in my part bins and junk box. Actually, I have many capacitor with the right values, but they are much bigger (physically) than I want for my Minima Modules.

Without having the small size capacitors in hand, it is difficult to layout the PCB and know for sure that it will all fit. So, the Audio Module layout is on hold waiting parts from Mouser.

For the required 47uF caps, I ordered the following two sizes.

The larger SMD "can style" caps are 50V. These will be usable in almost any of my future project. They are cheap, I ordered 150 just to make the postage worth while.

47uF 50V 6.3x7.7 SMD at $0.10 each - http://goo.gl/zpJaPP

 The smaller 1210 SMD non-polarized caps will be used where only 16V will be enough and space is limited. They are not so cheap, at about 8 time the cost of the above caps.

47uF 16V 1210 SMD at $0.85 each - http://goo.gl/4UWwCp

I already have on hand the other SMS large-value caps (i.e., <20uF) as required by the Minima.

And. . . .

The required Minima VFO - Si570 is on order from Digi-Key, at a price ($13.11 each) which is much less than I expected - http://goo.gl/bjOMPp

And, . . .

As an additional Minima Experiment, I orders the following two inexpensive parts.

Si5351 Clock Generator - http://goo.gl/DcZVaB
and its required crystal - http://goo.gl/WHxn2C

My intent is to try to use two of the outputs form the Si5351A for the VFO and the BFO. As I suggested on the Minima Refector, and yes, phase noise may be a problem, but this is just an experiment. More info to follow.


1 comment:

  1. Eldon,
    As an alternative to the Si570 you might also be interested in the Si504 with which I am currently experimenting http://www.ov-selbstbau.de/wiki/index.php?title=Flexibler_Quarz-Oszillator_auf_Basis_Si504
