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Friday, March 14, 2014

Minima Modules

My Experimental Minima Transceiver Project is coming along.

Here are the modules (outlined in red) that I have built, or plan to build. Farhan's Mimima original schematic can be found here.

Minima Transceiver Modules
The dotted line modules contained within the large irregular red box at the bottom will be built on a single AUDIO board. This board will also contain the Supply, Voltage Regulators, and Header for connection to the other modules.

Click on Image to enlarge, the Right Click on Image to Open in a new Tab, then Left Click to expand to full size, then save if you like.

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1 comment:

  1. Eldon - I am thinking about building a Minima for receive only. It's very early days as I only began thinking about this today, but the way you have divided up and labelled the individual circuit blocks is proving very helpful. Thank you very much for posting this!

