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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Next - Minima Module

I have been trying to decide which Minima Module to build next for my Experimental Transceiver (see other posts). There are several are several self contained section of the circuit that lend themselves for easy construction and tests. The most obvious modules would be; BFO, Audio Amp, Mic Amp, Side Tone Oscillator, Low Pass Filter, etc.

So far, for my Minima Experimental Project,  I have used an Amplifier of my own design, my design was a simple single-direction amp that I have used before in other projects. To try experiments for both Receive and Transmit, my amplifier requires it to be disconnected and reversed to change directions. It would be nice to not have to do that during tests.

Harhan's Minima Bidirectional IF Amp would make a great stand alone LAB tool and if configured correctly, a simple jumper or three pin power connector is all that is necessary to change directions.

Proposed Bidirectional IF Amp
Double Sided, 0.8 x 1.4 inches
This is my proposed lay out for the standard Farhan Minima Bidirectional IF Amplifier circuit. The size of the board will be 0.8x1.4 inches, as always, I try to make my boards as small as my eyes and abilities allow. Note: the three pin power connection (the lower right) for amp direction control.

This is a a two layer board that I can easily produce with the Toner Transfer Method, there are only a few (10) via's that will need to be drilled and filled with a short jumper wire, but I am getting good at doing that (if there are NOT too many). On the back side there is another ground plane, a few power traces, and a few major signal paths. The few major signal paths on the back side allows for a more contiguous ground plane on the front side.

The top half of the lay out is the Transmit Amp (Input via left connector, output via right connector), the lower half is the Receive Amp (Input right, Output left).

As with all of my previous built modules for this Minima Transceiver experiment, I have created layout configurations that can be sent out for commercial manufacture, if desired, but Toner Transfer is much faster for these small projects.

I should have this board completed in the next few days using Toner Transfer (if I can find the time :-).

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