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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Minima - Audio Module

I have made further Revisions to my Experimental Minima Transceiver Audio Module (see previous post). I still do not exactly enjoy building Audio circuits, but it needs to be done.

I have modified the original circuit to peak my interest. My circuit will incorporate (among other things) some AGC and a little more available Speaker Power. But of course, none of this has been tested and therefore operational results may be different than expected.
My Planned Minima Audio Module
This board will be 2.5x5.0 inches with 84 via's, it is not very dense, because the layout provides a human interface with normal finger spacing, and it is also size to plug onto my other Minima Modules.

I will make the first Prototype board with the Toner Transfer Method (TT) to check operations.

Unfortunately, I will be busy the next few days will not have much time to work on this project.


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