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Monday, June 2, 2014

Learning GIT Hub

In the previous post I listed several GIT Hub URL's, after some reading it appears that I have misused the GIT functionality.

If I understand the documentation correctly, I should have "forked" Farhan's "radiono" repository, which puts a proper "copy" within my GIT Hub account with the same name.

And then, I should have "cloned" that to my local workstation system. where I should have created a "branch", where modifications would be made.

Then "commit" is used to update my local branch copy. then a "merge" to update my "master" copy,  and then a "push" is used to update my GIT Hub master copy.

My "forking/cloning/branching/commiting/merging/pushing" activity shows up on my and Farhan's repository, like is:

Most of this GIT stuff is NEW to me, I am still learning, but I think I am now on the right track.

I will/have corrected the links in the previous post.

Much more reading is necessary.



  1. @Eldon - your git-fu is correct!

    The next step in the process, if you choose too (and the code is ready), is to create a pull request on Farhans Radiono repo.

    This "pr" indicates "I made modifications that I think should be in the master branch. Will you review and merge into the master branch?"

    Then, someone with that permissions - the project maintainer, if they think the forked code should be part of the main code, will merge these changes into the main master branch.

    Here is some info from Git hub: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests#fork--pull

    BTW, great work. I've been watching the Minima project develop. It's a great combination of hardware, radio and open source code. A sweet spot for sure!

    Todd K7KXI

  2. @Eldon - your git-fu is correct!

    The next step in the process, if you choose too (and the code is ready), is to create a pull request on Farhans Radiono repo.

    This "pr" indicates "I made modifications that I think should be in the master branch. Will you review and merge into the master branch?"

    Then, someone with that permissions - the project maintainer, if they think the forked code should be part of the main code, will merge these changes into the main master branch.

    Here is some info from Git hub: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests#fork--pull

    BTW, great work. I've been watching the Minima project develop. It's a great combination of hardware, radio and open source code. A sweet spot for sure!

    Todd K7KXI

  3. Eldon,

    Great to see another ham homebrewer get on the GitHub wagon! Thanks for sharing your code with the world.

    Jason NT7S
