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Monday, October 20, 2014

Minima - Jeff's ENCODER04

This is a proposed configuration to support Jeff's ENCODER04 routines within my Minima's Alternate Tuning Method. This is a fantastic addition for the Minima.

The following circuit should be added to the Minima to implement the ENCODER04 Rotary

Encoder and Multiple Push-Button Switches parallel to the original FN Switch. 

Arduino |
   AVCC |
   pin20|--------+---1K---- +5V
        |        |
        |        = 100nF
        |        |
        |        G
    PD5 |---------------- To Original Minima LowPass Filter
  pin11 |
    PC0 |---------------- To Proposed Rf386 Power Amp Filter Selector
  pin23 |
    PD7 |                                    +--------+
  pin13 |------------------------+-----------|B      C|------------------------+
        |                        |     G-----|G  ENC  |                        |
    PD6 |--------------+---------)-----------|A      G|---+                    |
  pin12 |              |         |           +--------+   |                    |
        |              = 1nF*    = 1nF*                   G                    |
        |              |         |                                             |
        |              G         G                                             |
   AREF |                                                                      |
   pin21|----+-------+                       * = Optional but Suggested        |
        |    |       |                           for CPU's in RF Environments  |
        |    |       = 100nF                                                   |
        |    |       |                                                         |
        |    |       G                                                         |
        |   47K                                                                |
        |    |                                                                 |
        |    |                                                                 |
        |    |                                                                 |
    PC3 |    |                                                                 |
        |    |     |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |   FNS    = 1nF*    S         S         S         S         S         S
   AGND |    |     |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |    |
--------+    G

            "FN"           "Left"   "Right"   "SBand"     "Up"     "Down"     btn7
           (btn1)          (btn2)    (btn3)   (btn4)     (btn5)    (btn6)    (btn7)

  4K7 is a 4.7K ohm resistor
  47K is a 47K ohm resistor
  FNS is the original FN switch
    S is a new switch
    = is a capacitor
    G is a ground and AGND
  ENC is the Rotary Encoder (A/G/B) with Push Button (C/G).

NOte: The Encoder Push Button switch (pins C/G) is parallel with btn7, if desired,
      one or the other switches can be deleted of left in parallel.

Note: The Encoder pins A and B, can be exchanged to reverse the Encoders electrical rotation.

ENCODER04 is available as a User Option within the current Rev (ERB_IL) of Minima Alternate Tuning Method at:



  1. Hi Eldon, Hope you are doing good and are recovering fast.

    When you are back to your shack, could you tell me if your radiono code mod (or the entire code) can be used with an AD9850 DDS VFO ??

    I recently built this

    Its just a demo, but I wish to take it further to make a complete DDS vfo based on Arduino. Which should include bandswitching for radio + RX BPF and TX LPF, may be RIT, etc.

    I am bad at code may be I can copy some of your code to with some amount of debugging to work with the ad9850, but it wouldnt be clean as you do it. Can you please give me some lead on this as and when you find time.

    I pray for your speedy recovery and you have a good holiday time!

