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Friday, July 23, 2010

One Year Anniversary Blog

Today is the one-year anniversary of this Blog, it was started on July 23, 2009. This entry is the 120th - that makes an average of 10 entries per month. About 4900 unique reader have been logged for the year. None of this was part of a goal, but only the results.

My Goal for this Blog was to provide a place to capture my Ideas and Links for my HAM Radio Operations and Projects, but maybe readers have found something entertaining or informative.

This first year was with some "Ups" and "Downs", but only some of the "Ups" will be highlighted here, in no particular order.

My Marker Beacon Family Photo
A fun 30m Dipole Insulator QRSS Transmitter Experiment and Die Hard Test
An Interesting Signal Hunt
From one of the re-occurring therms it is obvious that I still need to learn the Code faster
This is my entry for Bill Meara's of SolderSmoke.com fame, "ET Phone Home - Work a Like" contest.
Here is my Heroes List
I enjoyed hosting the eBuild-a-thon and BBQ's, maybe I will be able to do it again.
I have a real interest in small trace HomeBrew circuts


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