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Sunday, September 26, 2010

More QR Code

Here are just a "few" QR-Codes that I found via Google, they are apparently everywhere, if you know where to look.


All of the above very long URL is contained in the following QR-Code image.
The Above URL

The reason that I started noticing QR-Codes, is because QR-Codes are the method of choice for sharing data; contacts, URLs, Apps, and more, between the Android Smart Phones. One phone displays the QR-Code, the second scans the first phone's display and decodes the results , effectively transferring information.

Using a "Bar Code App", any QR-Code can be decoded, regardless of  it size, location, and display device, assuming that it can be seen via phone camera. The image can be on a small stamp, or the side of a blimp - if it can be photographed, it can be decoded. Apparently, QR-Codes are used extensively in Japan, on everything from small products, to large Billboards and Neon signs.

If you have an Android Smart Phone, you too can easily read the above code and jump to the web page. Note; maybe other phones can do the same thing? For Android, see the app:

There is a Google Chrome Plugin that coverts any URL line to a QR-Code, which makes it easy to share an arbitrary page to a phone. Other online apps can be used to decode QR-Codes for any PC.

So, . . what does this have anything to do with Ham Radio? . . . Well, a lot, . . . as my new HTC Android Phone also contains several good Ham Radio Apps;  like EchoLink,  Exam Test Questions, APRS, CW Trainer, GPS Maping and a lot more. Oh, by the way, it can also receive and place phone calls  :-)  !!!

This mode of image communication may have a place in Ham Radio. Maybe a new form of QRSS or MEPT??

Update, yes it has now been done, See:

I plan on creating a QR-Code image for the back of my van, but so far, I have not thought of a good choice for content :-)

So, who will be the first to decode the secret word in the QR-Code of my previous post ???


Link to some QR Code history (thanks to, Colin - G6AVK):

-- Home Page: https://WA0UWH.blogspot.com


  1. I believe your previous post decodes to "A you can see I have been experimenting with QR Codes. The secret word is: "Homebrew" :-)"

  2. Jeff,
    Interesting, only after reading your decode of the message, did I notice the typo or lack of an "s" on the first word, I guess lack of casual self review is one of the downsides of QR-Codes or other obfuscation.

  3. I thought that was kind of funny as well. Since you only asked for the secret word, the presence of this typo caused me to paste the entire text back to you as I was not sure if you were being "extra clever" or if it was indeed a typo. :)
