Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rpi on the Network

As mentioned in the previous post, I now have my Raspberry PI (Rpi) connected to the Network, serving Web Pages and providing (my) access via SSH and Remote Desktop.

Only one wire is needed for this configuration, that is the 5 Volt power from a 1 Amp wall wart. Network access is via the USB WiFi Adapter as shown in the photo. This Rpi can be accessed from anywhere in the world as . Currently it is serving only a single web page, other fun pages (or links) will be added later.
Rpi running a Web Server, SSH, and Remote Desktop
My plans include connecting the Rpi to an Ensemble Receiver (SDR), which can be done with only the addition of an Antenna and USB Sound Card.

I am considering moving the Rpi and the SDR to a remote location (where I have WiFi access) so that I can Transmit from my Shack, without overloading the SDR. This remote location will be good for remote QRSS Grabber operation.

I am impressed with the Rpi, it is a fun system.


1 comment:

  1. Nice! I was thinking about getting a WiFi dongle for my own RPi, I just bought a bunch of Edimax ones for £3 each :D

    How do they make this stuff so small?
