Saturday, September 27, 2014

Minima - Proposed Rotary Encoder Circuit

This is just a proposal, the final suggested circuit maybe somewhat different, this is a excerpt, with additions, from a previous post.

My current experimental Encoder software works very smooth with this circuit. Whit a little more testing, it will be published on GitHub soon.

My goal is to be as compatible with the Original Minima as possible.

The following circuit should be added to the Minima to implement a Rotary Encoder and
Multiple Push-Button Switches parallel to the original FN Switch. The original
Tuning POT has been removed to accommodate the Encoder.

Arduino |
   AVCC |
   pin20|--------+---1K---- +5V
        |        |                       +--------4K7-----+
        |        = 100nF                 |                |
        |        |                       |   +--------+   |
        |        G                       +---|B      C|---+--------------------+
 Tune A2|                              G-----|G  ENC  |                        |
   pin25|--------+---------------------------|A      G|---+                    |
        |        |                           +--------+   |                    |
        |        = 1nF                                    G                    |
        |        |                                                             |
        |        G                                                             |
   AREF |                                                                      |
   pin21|----+-------+                                                         |
        |    |       |                                                         |
        |    |       = 100nF                                                   |
        |    |       |                                                         |
        |    |       G                                                         |
        |   47K                                                                |
        |    |                                                                 |
        |    |                                                                 |
        |    |                                                                 |
    PC3 |    |                                                                 |
        |    |     |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |   FNS    = 1nF     S         S         S         S         S         S
   AGND |    |     |         |         |         |         |         |         |
        |    |
--------+    G

            "FN"           "Left"   "Right"   "SBand"     "Up"     "Down"     btn7
           (btn1)          (btn2)    (btn3)   (btn4)     (btn5)    (btn6)    (btn7)

  4K7 is a 4.7K ohm resistor
  47K is a 47K ohm resistor
  FNS is the original FN switch
    S is a new switch
    = is a capacitor
    G is a ground and AGND
  ENC is the Rotary Encoder with Push Button

Note: The Encoder pins A and B, can be exchanged to reverse the Encoders electrical rotation.


More info to follow.


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